
Pages #2

Monday, August 8, 2022

A new TDATS radio show

A few months ago TDATS fan Kevin Stevens started a regular online radio show with his co-host Ian Wagner, in which they play one entire volume of TDATS, followed with commentary and lore on the tracks.

Kevin Stevens
One of the things that makes these shows entertaining for me is Kev and Ian's excellent knowledge on the subject. They have both been into this music and listening to records since the '70s, which means they have "real life" knowledge on many of the artists featured on TDATS, not just internet/book etc research, which is mostly what I have been relying on since I started this whole shebang. 

Along side the live shows, Kevin has started a dedicated Mixcloud channel where he is currently uploading all the previously-aired radio shows.. 


 > Kevin's TDATS Radio Mixcloud archive at

 > Regular facebook updates about TDATS Radio:

HERE's a taster of the 11th show, broadcast earlier this year:

So, what's the future for the TDATS blog?

I just want to say thanks again to Kevin for showing his dedication to the cause, and his unflinching enthusiasm has made me consider making some new volumes.

On this subject, I do not have the time I did back when I was putting hours of work a day into the blog and posting weekly, but I will endeavour to re-instate my TDATS archive, clear some working space on my laptop, re-familiarise myself with Blogspot's new interface, and start getting back in the swing of things. This will all take a while, but eventually I would like to reach a point where I can do new volumes on a semi-regular basis (monthly maybe?), with a long-time goal of reaching 200 volumes some time in the future.

Watch this space, and rock-out to Kev's wicked radio show in the meantime!



  1. Hey Rich--- Thanks for the tip on TDATS Radio. I'm looking forward to checking it out. I'm happy to hear you're considering future volumes of TDATS. Your previous volumes are all crucial hard rock listening. Can't wait to hear what you come up with next!
    ---Tom D.
    Sonic Daydream

    1. And thanks to you for coming back here. Check out new vol 140!

      (To my horror, I just discovered a hundred or so comments awaiting moderation, some for a long time. Erm, I'll need to start keeping on top of that again from now on, so sorry!)

  2. Start the day well!
    When I open my computer and see the list of the latest posts from my friends blogs, I have seen yours, and it has filled me with joy, it was one of my favorite blogs and its content has always been very interesting.
    I hope that this new stage is long and we can continue enjoying your work.
    Greetings from Spain

    1. Thanks for coming back and commenting, check out the new Vol 140!

      (To my horror, I just discovered a hundred or so comments awaiting moderation, some for a long time. Erm, I'll need to start keeping on top of that again from now on, so sorry!)
